Yesterday, 325 learned a valuable lesson: to be honest and open to his Master at all times.
Shortly after one of our earlier meetings, 325 returned home to Lincoln via Manchester. While he was in Manchester, he had a one-night stand with a dominant. There were pictures of this encounter, and while I was having a rummage through his computer with Teamviewer, I found them. What made it obvious was that he was pictured wearing the chain I had just given him as a token of his servitude, albeit only under consideration.
This behaviour was unacceptable was not only because he was unfaithful, but also because his disobedience meant that he was being dishonorable to the public image of his Master by his actions. he was effectively in My care until he returned to Lincoln, which was why he had been told to go home. Had anything happened, questions would have been asked, and given the climate of fear and suspicion that surrounds bdsm and the internet and meetings; the consequences could have been difficult, to say the least. As this incident occurred quite early on, and given that he didn't really fully appreciate the value of our relationship then, I decided to forgive him after some corrective action.
When challenged, he admitted the incident and soon he was on his knees asking for forgiveness, which I gave after finding out the depths of his contrition. When asked how sorry he was for being unfaithful, he said that he found it difficult to put his sorrow into words, and then did the unexpected: using the webcam, he panned it around his room, showing his life being packaged for transport to My household and said, "That sorry."
To Me, that action spoke louder than any words could.
I could see his world was crumbling at My discovery of his infidelity, even before I asked him to explain the pictures. I could feel that warm, fearful feeling in his heart as his pulse quickened and his dismay when he saw Me scrolling through them - after he'd tried to stop Me and had been brought to heel. So I decided to make this a learning opportunity. The slave must realise that he has to be obedient, truthful and open at all times with his Master. This is not negotiable.
So, because he learned this very valuable lesson, I forgave him and made him write what he'd learned in a blog post - which he did well; before leaving the house to go to get rid of surplus stuff at various charity shops on his day off.
The line has been drawn in the sand.