Friday 30 April 2010

Progress and Waiting on the Postman

So far, both 325 and 738 are progressing well.

325 is finalising his leaving of Lincoln, with the "last but one emotional hurdles" [his words] successfully jumped yesterday when he went for his scheduled mum meeting. She had been curious about Me for a while, and was not quite sure whether this move to Fleetwood to a strange man was going to be all right...

As it turns out, she is supportive of 325, and although he didn't go too deeply into the exact nature of our relationship, she is happy that he is not vanishing into the aether. he is convinced that his friends are planning a goodbye party, which I think will be much fun for him, and which shows just how much he is loved; so the prognosis is good.

Roll on 1 June!

738 has reported that he is happier since being under consideration, and when I speak with him over the phone he does sound it. he is in the throes of being settled into his new flat, and so is not yet properly online. At the moment he is going commando and is locked in a chastity device. I have been sent the key [the spare is encased in an ice cube in the freezer for safety], which I am expecting to arrive in today's post. I have stamped and sent him his training tags - which should also arrive today, and which he will wear from this point on - until further notice.

I have decided that 738, like 325 and the others before him, will remain commando and not wear any underwear as a sign of his commitment, until after we have met.

I intend meeting him very soon, probably next weekend or the one following. Next weekend will probably be better for reasons of hygiene - given that he is locked up.

So far, then, I am happy with both My slaves. Let us all see what the postman brings: I am waiting for 325's silver ownership tag (and the other, surprise gift) as well as 738's key.

Wednesday 28 April 2010


Life in the Household is usually characterised by Order. slaves need Order so that their lives (and the life of the Master) can be harmonious and fall into a rhythm which makes the whole act of service easy to accomplish and fulfilling.
In a previous post, I made the comparison between the life of the slave and the life of a monk in a religious order. The life of the monk is characterised by a daily timetable that has a predictable rhythm, which is extended to an annual timetable to encompass the ecclesiastic year. This makes life enjoyable in that there is not only a ritualised element to daily life, but also a predictability and therefore a stability to the daily existence which is unsurpassed in the world outside. While it is true that most Religious shut themselves off from the world in order to concentrate on the Divine, the Master of the Household is not a divine entity in the accepted sense of the word - but in the bdsm equivalent, the Master is the central figure in the world of the slave. And in order for the slave to enjoy the security and predictability of life in the home, there needs to be just that sort of rhythm to life.
Already, a sense of order is being put into the daily lives of 325 and 738. Both slaves have been instructed to spend a short period of time each day thinking about or performing an activity that focuses their minds on their servitude. This is meant to be a contemplative meditation on what their slavery means to each boi, not an excursion into the open arms of the world of porn and fantasy. The activity could be anything that is related:
  • it could be reading a serious book on voluntary servitude, eg Jack Rinella's "Becoming a slave", or
  • it could be writing a post and putting it on their blog, or it could be following blogs by other slaves, eg Midsouthslave, or
  • it could be practising the Honour Positions, or
  • it could be the physical act of living as a slave for that 20 or 30 minutes each day: asking Me for a task which could be completed in that time.

The idea is to create a point at a specific time each day which is solely devoted to the practice of servitude, for no other reason than that it is the will of the Master. And once the practice has been established, a time should be set and kept. This time should not, for example, be lying in bed, waiting for sleep to come. It should be a time around which the day fits, or if it is threatened by another activity, around which all other activities flow - like the way in which a solid rock withstands the flow of the surf on the sea shore.

It is My intention to develop more fully the intellectual aspects of servitude within the Household because it will promote harmony.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Ritualised Slave Positions

Although I am not overly attached to ritual, I think that I am going to have to include some of the more formal slave positions in this blog for My slaves to learn and to practise when they attend Me. The reason for this, is so that they display a positive image of their training when in the company of other Masters. So, start practising.

The text and images below have been taken from "Wiltshire Tops" site and much thanks is due to them for the informative text.

We will modify these to suit our household's more informal style. Learn the rules first, and then I will decide what I want you to do and how I want you to use them.

Honour positions

A slave never simply says "Hello" or "Good-bye" to a Master. Such casual, familiar greetings and farewells are normally replaced by PRESENTING—a disciplined, thoughtful process of entering or leaving the Master's presence and control. When a slave greets a Master, he is surrendering himself to the Master's control to at least some extent.
When a slave takes leave of a Master, he is asking to have that control extended beyond the Master's direct presence or to leave that control entirely.
These principles apply whenever the slave enters or leaves any space or room occupied by a Master and whenever a Master enters or leaves any room or space occupied by the slave - if under social conditions a "good bye" would be in order. The full ritual may be waived at the Master's discretion if there is much coming and going in a short space of time, but a slave should always expect and be prepared to PRESENT when entering a Master's space, or vice versa, and to ask permission before leaving (see below) unless he is carrying out a prior order.

Inspection - Front viewinspection:Inspection - side view
This is a special purpose position.
It is similar to the Standing PRESENT except that the knees might be slightly more than shoulder wide; the head is held more upright (to give a good view of the face) with eyes down; and the hands are locked above the head with the thumbs touching the back of the crown of the head
Full present - Rear view
full present:Full present - Side view

The slave kneels upright, with the knees spread shoulder wide, the hands are crossed behind the back above the arse, like a military "parade rest"; the chest is held forward, wide and strong, and the head is bowed to a 30° angle with eyes down.
The Full PRESENT is used when awaiting orders from a Master or when directed to report to a Master

Present - Front viewpresent:Present - Side view
The slave stands upright, with the hands are crossed behind the back above the ass, like a military "parade rest"; the chest is held forward, wide and strong, and the head is bowed to a 30° angle with eyes down.
Honor present - Front viewhonor present:Honor present - Side view

The same as above except that the slave kneels upright with only the right knee on the ground and the left leg bent. The slave makes his greeting statement then stands (without command).
The Honor PRESENT is used whenever the slave comes into a Master's presence in the course of his normal duties

Kow Tow - Side viewkowtow:Kow TOw - Front view
This position starts in the PLEAD position. The torso is then lowered back to the ground or as close to the ground as possible. It may be necessary to spread the knees a little further apart to accommodate this position. The slave's wrists are usually crossed in this position. KOWTOW is used at the direction of a Master. It is usually a sign of complete submission
Plead - Side viewplead:Plead - Front view
The slave kneels as in the Full PRESENT and places his hands on the floor in front of him so that the first finger of each hand and thumb of each hand touch and form a triangle. the slave then places his forehead on the floor in the triangle formed by his hands.
In this position the thighs should be vertical and the back straight. This position may be used when asking a Master for something special. It is also sometimes used as a punishment position
Beverage - side viewbeverages:Beverage - Front view
Beverages or other items may be served from the Full or Honor PRESENT (or Public PRESENT when in a place where Full or Honor PRESENT would be inappropriate). The item being served is rested on an open hand and steadied using the fingers of the other hand. It should be held at a convenient height for the person being served to take it without having to bend, twist or reach
at rest:
At times, slave may be given the treat of being allowed to rest in the Masters presence.
slave approaches Master and performs the honor present until The Master invites the slave to adopt its at rest position.
slave rests its head on Masters lap/leg and positions it's body in any way it feels comfortable - remembering that it may be there for some considerable time!

Monday 26 April 2010

Goodbye 812, hello 738

I have put another potential slave under consideration and also taken the Hamburg slave 812 off the consideration list. There is no point chasing a slave: he either is committed to control and obedience, or he is not. So goodbye 812, hello 738.

I hope that this is not deja vu - I seem to make a habit of considering bois who then vanish into the aether! Actually, the new boi, 738, seems to be quite serious - so I am more hopeful than usual.

I spoke with him today, and so far he has registered on the slave register, has started a blog, and has the instruction to send Me a text message daily. In our discussion, it emerged that he keeps himself in chastity, so after hearing this, I decided to claim him. I have instructed him to send Me the key to his cb - and so, in addition to being his probational Master, I am also his keyholder. The spare key he keeps at home, frozen into an iceblock. This key is only to be used in emergencies and to be defrosted so he can unlock himself for cleaning.

I enjoyed our discussion, and I am hopeful that he may be a suitable companion for My boi 325. I rushed the introduction somewhat, so he is at that point which other bois have taken two to three weeks to get to, but the reason is because I wanted to claim him before anyone else did.

I first saw his profile on recon last week, but I noticed that he appeared to have been claimed by another. I commiserated in a message to him, and it transpired that the previous master was a timewaster who seems to have disappeared into cyberspace. This being the case, I decided to probe further, and so now he is under consideration.
In fairness, 738 has more chance of success because he lives in the West Midlands - not Hamburg. Also, he is a novice and so can learn from 325 and be trained to please Me by Me, and not bring baggage from another master, which is a much more positive state of affairs.

So we shall see.

As far as My (first and the senior) slave 325 is concerned, the arrangements proceed apace. I am very much looking forward to him taking his place at My feet on 1 June - indeed, I arrived home today from the boat wishing he was naked, on his knees, ready to greet Me as I opened the door into the front room.


Saturday 24 April 2010

Originally posted on 20 March 2007 on Randomthoughts, My other blog

20 MARCH, 2007

Vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience

I was reading on Jack Rinella's website last night his thoughts on Mastery - of course slavery. He was saying that he thought that the slave has no rights whatsoever in this authoritarian lifestyle, and although I agree with much of what he says, I think that what makes the relationship is the interplay between the two parties. The Master and slave relationship can be likened to that of the novice in the monastery, where the ideals of poverty, chastity and obedience are practised for the greater glory of god and the edification of the monk.

Comparing the monk to the slave, both serve their Master with equal humility and devotion. Each exists solely to please his Master and Masters, like the god of the monks, must be sure to treat their slaves as well and with humanity, compassion and kindness.
Yesterday I posted My take on a slave contract which I'd found on the web somewhere some time ago. I do believe that yes, the slave must have some opt-outs, generally relating to his safety. I think that the sensible and true Master must be aware of the welfare of the slave, even to the point of placing the slave's assets into a trust fund or some interest-bearing account (the Premium Bonds would be nice, especially if the slave wins) because the slave has placed its trust in the Master.
Like monks, I do not think that full-time slaves should have access to a bank account. I think it is right and proper that the Master owns and manages these assets for the duration of the contract very much in the same way that the Superior manages the assets of the monastery - always having the best interests of his slave at heart. Control of the wealth in a relationship is to control the relationship, and in the Master/slave relationship it makes the slavery tangible. Masters should allow slaves pocket-money to take care of the mundane expenses that occur in everyone's daily life, especially if the slave is being sent out to work for its keep.
I am firmly of the opinion that slaves need to be kept occupied, and having the slave toiling in the vanilla environment at its occupation is very good for both parties - it provides the Master with additional income to fund the expenditure of keeping a slave, and it provides the slave with an "ordinary" life which it can leave to return to the safety and security of the Household. It also ensures that the slave is kept on its toes because it has to care for its Master as well as earn its keep, so it is better able to appreciate the kindnesses of the Master when he so chooses. A self-sufficient slave is a happy slave, but the earnings of the slave are the earnings of the Master, and in so doing the slave practises the poverty that is so prized by the Religious.
In much the same way as the Trappists, for example, a slave must be denied the use of its own communications because its independent contact with the larger world outside the Household can undermine the bonds of ownership and devotion to the cause. slaves' freedom of communication should be carefully monitored and controlled by the Master until a sufficient level of trust has been built up between the two at which point the slave ought to be trusted to remain true to its chosen path. It is right that slaves contact their family and friends, but it is wrong for them to seek an alternative social life outside the Household, except with the permission of the Master. Observing a vow of silence is as effective as practising chastity in that it teaches slaves the value of silence and equally the value of speech.
slaves also make the decision to remain in chastity when agreeing to a contract with a Master - after all, his holes, cock and balls no longer belong to him but to his Owner in the same way that the monk sacrifices the pleasures of the flesh to be closer to his god. The slave must therefore forgo any unauthorised stimulation of the sexual organs completely. It is for this reason that I think a slave should be kept in chastity at all times when not in use. It makes him appreciate and perform very well during those intimate moments serving his Master sexually - whether or not he is permitted to orgasm.
Now there are those who might balk at the prospect of giving up so much personal freedom in this day and age, but for a realistic experience of slavery there is no other option. I have drawn parallels with the good brothers who do the same in the ecclesiastic environment, for as shown, just as they take vows of poverty, obedience and chastity, so too does the full-time slave when it agrees to serve its Master.
Such vows, unlike the monk, tend to last for a limited time only so they are not nearly as onerous. I would argue that they are equally spiritually uplifting, though.

Friday 23 April 2010

A Valuable Lesson is Learned

Yesterday, 325 learned a valuable lesson: to be honest and open to his Master at all times.

Shortly after one of our earlier meetings, 325 returned home to Lincoln via Manchester. While he was in Manchester, he had a one-night stand with a dominant. There were pictures of this encounter, and while I was having a rummage through his computer with Teamviewer, I found them. What made it obvious was that he was pictured wearing the chain I had just given him as a token of his servitude, albeit only under consideration.

This behaviour was unacceptable was not only because he was unfaithful, but also because his disobedience meant that he was being dishonorable to the public image of his Master by his actions. he was effectively in My care until he returned to Lincoln, which was why he had been told to go home. Had anything happened, questions would have been asked, and given the climate of fear and suspicion that surrounds bdsm and the internet and meetings; the consequences could have been difficult, to say the least. As this incident occurred quite early on, and given that he didn't really fully appreciate the value of our relationship then, I decided to forgive him after some corrective action.

When challenged, he admitted the incident and soon he was on his knees asking for forgiveness, which I gave after finding out the depths of his contrition. When asked how sorry he was for being unfaithful, he said that he found it difficult to put his sorrow into words, and then did the unexpected: using the webcam, he panned it around his room, showing his life being packaged for transport to My household and said, "That sorry."

To Me, that action spoke louder than any words could.

I could see his world was crumbling at My discovery of his infidelity, even before I asked him to explain the pictures. I could feel that warm, fearful feeling in his heart as his pulse quickened and his dismay when he saw Me scrolling through them - after he'd tried to stop Me and had been brought to heel. So I decided to make this a learning opportunity. The slave must realise that he has to be obedient, truthful and open at all times with his Master. This is not negotiable.

So, because he learned this very valuable lesson, I forgave him and made him write what he'd learned in a blog post - which he did well; before leaving the house to go to get rid of surplus stuff at various charity shops on his day off.

The line has been drawn in the sand.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

The Decision is Made

For a while, I was worried. I thought that I'd lost him.

I had not heard from 325 for most of the weekend. There was a long phone conversation on the Friday, and then a text message on the Saturday telling Me that he loved Me, and then yesterday, a message that read: "Good morning Master sorry i have been silent but i have had a lot of stuff to think about. so i spent last weekend in Nottingham in a cheap b+b, just to get out of Lincoln, and to know that my thoughts were my own, not kieran's or mel's or anyone else's. this was not a decision i was taking lightly. after a hell of a lot of soul searching i have decided that i want to be your slave and live with you if you will have me. x 325"

Of course I want him. So I told him so, that he needs to come here to My feet, to where he belongs.

I have spent the last four years looking for a suitable slave, and I have found the right one. In his book, Rinella said that it would not be easy, and it hasn't. I am lucky to have found a slave who is just right.

Saturday 17 April 2010

slave 430-675-325

Of all the bois I have spoken to so far (and I have been searching for a slave since 2006), the boi 325 fits the bill for Me. True, there are some rough spots in the two otherwise perfectly mating faces, but the essential dynamic is without blemish.

The boi wants to serve - needs to serve - and I need a slave to own and to use.

There are so few bois willing to enter voluntary servitude in thrall to a Master.

My slave 325 has not been himself lately. he has been moody, and generally unhappy in lots of little ways when we chat over msn at night. This has been a cause of concern to Me, so two nights ago, I asked him what the problem was.

At the moment, the boi lives within a complicated set of allegiances to a number of conflicting personalities in his life. he is also realising that there is another world out there, beyond Lincoln's city walls. he has grown restive at the restrictions placed on him by his landladies, and of course, there's Me.

So I instructed him to move out of his old life, and into his new life with Me.

Now 325 will obey, because that's what he wants and needs to do: this opportunity does not come every day, and there are only a handful of Masters who want a boi full-time. he is, rightly, concerned about the future and whether it will work, and so on. These are legitimate concerns, but when considered, the potential gains outweigh the potential negatives. his moving in to the Household will cause some upset, but this upset was going to happen whether he moved in next month or in thirteen months from now. Either way, the bridge was going to be crossed.

he needs to accept that and embrace, not fear, the unknown. Why do we fear that which we've not yet experienced? We simply fear losing the known - and for this born and bred Lincoln boi, this is what he fears - change from the familiar to the not quite familiar.

I don't want him to dispose of the accumulations of his life in Lincoln so far: merely to make arrangements to store them. They are inanimate symbolic objects of intense emotional value, but will still be there in one year's time. I have taken this boi on permanently, but I will give him the option to leave My service on 1 June 2011, so he could return to his previous life if he wished.

The future holds immense promise for both the Master and his slave.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

A New slave Under Consideration

Today I put a new slave under probation. The new boi is 299-185-812 and lives in Hamburg. he is 42, quite tall which might be a problem for a short person like Me, but he joins the Household as its most junior slave.

he has served as a slave for three years before, and now wants to be owned again - so I am giving him this opportunity to serve. he will come and visit to serve as time affords, but in the meantime will live as a slave in his house as if he were living here.

I have been chatting to this boi for a while, and like 325, he is a boi who needs to serve. I intend to use him within the next fortnight, here.

I was touched that My fully owned slave, 325, was touched when he read yesterday's blog. you are MINE, 325 - do not forget that. I own you, heart, body and soul. And I love you for it. And here is what has become a favourite image of My boi: I love him in bondage, and I love the (soon to be cut) hard penis peeking out under his bound wrists!

Tuesday 13 April 2010

The Story So Far - 325 and a possible

Last night 325 jarred that conscience which had been pricked earlier on that day while I was looking at blogs. "Mmmmmm, I must put up a post - it's been quite a while since My last.", is how the thought went. As synchronicity would have it, the blog came up while speaking to a new boi last night.

The new boi, whose profile I'd seen before on slaveboys, is a student in Manchester. I remember liking his profile when I first saw it, but then he was claimed by someone else, and then he disappeared from that virtual existence - such is the ephemeral life of computer dating sites.

Last night I opened up a three way conversation with 325 and this boi which was interesting as an exercise. I would want these two bois to get along, 325 being the senior and the other would defer to him.

After the conversation had ended, I went and had a look at the livechat feature of slaveboys, and lo and behold there were two erections present - nappiedteenuk and hyperkidvicious - both pretty - and so I had them play soggy biscuit (except neither had biscuits) to see who'd win. Of course, I did by making them compete and wank, but I think that they both found it exciting - they both came almost simultaneously, hyperkidvicious winning by a spurt. What a fun end to an otherwise tiring day!

As far as 325 is concerned, his servitude is pleasing Me greatly. The picture above is from his most recent visit, and it has been decided that he is going to have his number tattooed in roughly that position at his next. Together with the owned symbol, between the base of his penis and his belly button. I am expecting him in a fortnight, and since I am on leave, the idea is for him to visit for several days. We chat online almost nightly, and maintain contact via his daily greeting. I am very lucky to own such a slave - but he is not perfect. There has been evidence of disobedience which is going to have to be addressed.

The issue of his accommodation is becoming a problem, too - although I think if he does leave the lesbians and move into his own flat it will be good for him on several levels. For Me, I'd be able to visit him in Lincoln and that flat will become an extension of My household - which I obviously can't do at the moment. On the negative side, it will be more expensive and it might strain his finances, especially when there are things to be saved up for.

And then the other issue is that I expect him to take up residence here in about a year from now - together with a plan for his future career. So I don't want too many distractions, I want results. The problem with his father should now be resolved - intellectually, at least - and I want to discuss it with him when he arrives up here next. I have made it My business to push him into a more caring and affectionate and adult relationship with his mother in order to maintain that family connection and to give him the stability that he needs in Lincoln. I have instructed him to take her for coffee every Thursday (his day off), and also to spend time with her when he is feeling low. I am stating the obvious, 325, for when you read this. I am telling you why I told you to visit last Sunday, and why I want the coffee meets.

So, all in all, there is progress. As usual, I have been chatting to other potentials in the interim - but so far the only slave I have found worth owning is 325.