Of all the bois I have spoken to so far (and I have been searching for a slave since 2006), the boi 325 fits the bill for Me. True, there are some rough spots in the two otherwise perfectly mating faces, but the essential dynamic is without blemish.
The boi wants to serve - needs to serve - and I need a slave to own and to use.
There are so few bois willing to enter voluntary servitude in thrall to a Master.
My slave 325 has not been himself lately. he has been moody, and generally unhappy in lots of little ways when we chat over msn at night. This has been a cause of concern to Me, so two nights ago, I asked him what the problem was.
At the moment, the boi lives within a complicated set of allegiances to a number of conflicting personalities in his life. he is also realising that there is another world out there, beyond Lincoln's city walls. he has grown restive at the restrictions placed on him by his landladies, and of course, there's Me.
So I instructed him to move out of his old life, and into his new life with Me.
Now 325 will obey, because that's what he wants and needs to do: this opportunity does not come every day, and there are only a handful of Masters who want a boi full-time. he is, rightly, concerned about the future and whether it will work, and so on. These are legitimate concerns, but when considered, the potential gains outweigh the potential negatives. his moving in to the Household will cause some upset, but this upset was going to happen whether he moved in next month or in thirteen months from now. Either way, the bridge was going to be crossed.
he needs to accept that and embrace, not fear, the unknown. Why do we fear that which we've not yet experienced? We simply fear losing the known - and for this born and bred Lincoln boi, this is what he fears - change from the familiar to the not quite familiar.
I don't want him to dispose of the accumulations of his life in Lincoln so far: merely to make arrangements to store them. They are inanimate symbolic objects of intense emotional value, but will still be there in one year's time. I have taken this boi on permanently, but I will give him the option to leave My service on 1 June 2011, so he could return to his previous life if he wished.
The future holds immense promise for both the Master and his slave.