Wednesday 28 April 2010


Life in the Household is usually characterised by Order. slaves need Order so that their lives (and the life of the Master) can be harmonious and fall into a rhythm which makes the whole act of service easy to accomplish and fulfilling.
In a previous post, I made the comparison between the life of the slave and the life of a monk in a religious order. The life of the monk is characterised by a daily timetable that has a predictable rhythm, which is extended to an annual timetable to encompass the ecclesiastic year. This makes life enjoyable in that there is not only a ritualised element to daily life, but also a predictability and therefore a stability to the daily existence which is unsurpassed in the world outside. While it is true that most Religious shut themselves off from the world in order to concentrate on the Divine, the Master of the Household is not a divine entity in the accepted sense of the word - but in the bdsm equivalent, the Master is the central figure in the world of the slave. And in order for the slave to enjoy the security and predictability of life in the home, there needs to be just that sort of rhythm to life.
Already, a sense of order is being put into the daily lives of 325 and 738. Both slaves have been instructed to spend a short period of time each day thinking about or performing an activity that focuses their minds on their servitude. This is meant to be a contemplative meditation on what their slavery means to each boi, not an excursion into the open arms of the world of porn and fantasy. The activity could be anything that is related:
  • it could be reading a serious book on voluntary servitude, eg Jack Rinella's "Becoming a slave", or
  • it could be writing a post and putting it on their blog, or it could be following blogs by other slaves, eg Midsouthslave, or
  • it could be practising the Honour Positions, or
  • it could be the physical act of living as a slave for that 20 or 30 minutes each day: asking Me for a task which could be completed in that time.

The idea is to create a point at a specific time each day which is solely devoted to the practice of servitude, for no other reason than that it is the will of the Master. And once the practice has been established, a time should be set and kept. This time should not, for example, be lying in bed, waiting for sleep to come. It should be a time around which the day fits, or if it is threatened by another activity, around which all other activities flow - like the way in which a solid rock withstands the flow of the surf on the sea shore.

It is My intention to develop more fully the intellectual aspects of servitude within the Household because it will promote harmony.