990 making friends with the other owned property in the house, in this case FatCat. |
After having had the experience of owning a slave, I wanted 990 to have the experience of being an owned slave. So, after collaring him on arrival - and letting him watch as his chain was cut to fit while he stood naked in My workshop to emphasise the personal nature of this relationship, I let him be: I let him exist as an owned boi in the domain and service of his Master.
All the usual rules were in force: no funiture, asking permission, no money, no communications with the outside world, being naked, and so on. Food was made and eaten - having had no experience of this boi's domestic ability, I cooked and he cleaned up after, and then I set to finishing the slave space. Much of the first night was about setting the scene and establishing what was to become a positive outcome, and I had him write a list of objectives that he wanted to achieve from this "weekend". I was pleased to see how our objectives aligned.
The boi settled in quite quickly, showing evidence of previous training and also a desire to surrender to My control. I used the first evening essentially as a negotiation of what degree of control would be exercised. I am, I think, a very reasonable Master, and I wanted this boi to enjoy his servitude. We discussed some of the things he'd like to try, and I decided to implement some of them. We agreed that there was a significant difference between the fantasy and the reality, and so some sort of middle ground was going to be trod.
The bedding was made at the foot of the bed, and the slave and his Master settled in for the first night.
The slave had been instructed on how the coffee was to be made, and once he was woken the next morning, it only took eight minutes for him to realise his duty and then he was up and away, groggily getting to his feet and going downstairs, returning a short while later with a brew. I invited him into My bed. If 325 is reading this, he'll relate.
The slave was shown the boat, and some painting was done. he behaved well when colleagues and other boatowners popped their heads into the shed to chat, continuing with his assigned task, not interfering with the business of his Master and the Free Men. he needed to be corrected once or twice, to be shown exactly what needed to be done, but on the whole, he performed well, to My entire satisfaction.
The work at the boat had to come to a rapid halt, because I had arranged a scene with 729 for that day. It had come about because I'd previously arranged to meet the sub tim, but due to a communications and timing gremlin (the timing being My fault entirely) it seemed unlikely to happen, so I called up 729 to serve and give the boi the experience of serving with another slave. We fetched 729 from the rendezvous, and I was very happy to see that they were going to get along just fine! They both became naked once indoors, and suddenly bois were doing things at My command. I was also able to observe the differences between the bois' characters, and to see how well-trained 729 was when compared to 990. One of the lessons that 990 needs to learn is to be neat and tidy, and he had already been introduced to the punishment paddle. It hurts. And it works on the one, two, three principle.
In position for playing "Battleships" |
The bois were put into the slave space, and there made up some peg zippers which I wanted to use on 729. I had decided to play "Battleships" with them, each boi being gridded and calling out a grid reference which would be used to identify a location to peg on the other. They were secured on the deck back-to-back, arms and ankles secured - the former being suspended from the pergola arrangement. What made this game special is that the bois' fun could easily be overheard by the neighbours, but I think that these thoughts were soon the least of their immediate concerns.
After some fun with pegs, they were led inside and taken to the sofa where 990 experienced something new - which he discovered he did not really like, but I think that he could be trained to enjoy given time and patience. he had already found the very real difference between fun and fact that morning when we woke up, so here too was another little Rubicon.
729 and 990 chained in the slave space, afterwards. |
729 was allowed to cum so that 990 could learn, and soon both bois were left to come down together in the slave space. 990 is under a strict chastity control, so he had merely been edged and kept firmly from a sticky end.
990 was given some time off and a task to do, while I took 729 home. I returned home to find the task done, and tea rounded off the evening, followed by domestic time in front of the telly. The fire was lit, and a snug evening in the stove's warm glow followed.
Reviewing the day's events, he reported that he'd very much enjoyed meeting and serving with 729. It had been a day of new things, starting with the first piss of the day, ending with the domesticity of the hearth, in which had been included the paddle, the bouzouki, the cats, the boat, and the mundane, everyday life of service to his Master. The slave had performed well, and I was very pleased with him, indeed.