Friday 10 August 2012

From BadYoungMaster's blog - a Pertinent Post

I found this post recently, which I thought worth copying and pasting on My own blog, to separate the timewasters from the serious applicants.   It contains much valuable information about finding a Master that suits you.

This was taken from BadYoungMaster's blog, at this address:


Saturday, March 31, 2012

First Contact

Less often than you may think, considering the number of people who have read this blog, and for whatever reason, the spring season, the moon, alignment of stars - you get the idea; I get a little spurt of emails pouring in from slaves wanting to meet me. But their unpreparedness often results in me either quickly losing interest after the first second email or in the odd case not wanting to respond at all.

Here are some tips to use when writing me or any Master/Sir out there to better improve your chances:


- Be confident. Yes! Even as a slave. It demonstrates that you WANT to meet.
- Be persistent. The email may have gone into junk mail (it has happened).
- Be sincere, honest, and courteous. Use either 'Master' or 'Sir' when writing.
- Use proper grammar and spelling and avoid slang. It shows some level of education.
- Longer emails that show you actually took time to write them will get a better response.

Include a Face Pic

A Master/Sir wants to know who he is meeting. No one is judging you or going to say you're ugly. If he does, he's a moron.

- A clear and recent face pic is a MUST.
- Avoid GQ or other fashion type pics that would make anyone question whether it is actually you.
- Don't write until you have a face pic available. "I'll send it on the weekend" or "I don't have a camera" will only get your email thrown in bin 14.

Inclusion of Body Pics

Optional and secondary to a face pic.
- Take a headless front, side, and back pic in good light.

Inclusion of Play Pics

- Optional and secondary to a face pic.
- Include only those pics that are of you.
- Do NOT include pics of you tying yourself up.

Include Basic Stats

Basic Stats are anything that is not easily discernible from your face and body pics.

- Age
- Height (in feet and inches)
- Weight (in pounds)

Include Your Location

- City
- Country (if outside Canada)

Include Info on Health Issues

- HIV positive or negative
- Current STD's (including fungal infections, crabs, etc.)
- Other problems (i.e. ongoing bleeding, allergies, seizures, medicines, mental health, etc.)

Include Your Experience

Provide a brief summary of activities that you have participated in, your limits, and what areas you'd like growth. Don't write that you are experienced if your only experience has been playing with yourself. In such a case, it is better to write that you have no experience.

Short and Long Term Goals

My blog is titled '24/7/365 BSDM Blog'. So if your goal is only to have a little fun, I'm probably not for you. If you are looking for on-going visits and are not partnered, then I'm up for that.

When Can You Meet

- Specific dates, days, times, etc. that you are available to meet.
- Avoid emailing if you cannot meet within two weeks.