Monday 3 May 2010

The Importance of Blogging

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to chat with many potential slaves.  I have also had the opportunity to use many as well, but one thing stands out: My relationship with a slave is not really about sex.  It is about owning and controlling and dominating and using the slave as I see fit.  Sexual use is an important part of the relationship, but it is not the only reason.  A slave is there to be of service to his Master, and sexual service is just one use.

This is a tall order for any man in today's free society, and it takes a special man to submit to the will of a Master.

So, in order to test the potential commitment of a hopeful, I do what many other Masters do: I make the boi go commando, I ritualize the probation via the slave register, I make communication an issue by having him send Me a text message every morning, and I insist on the blog.

The blog serves this and other objectives.  It is a very difficult task, and most potentials fail at it.  Only the bois who show promise manage to complete it regularly.  The rules are not difficult:  I require a boi to document his journey, which has significant moments:
  • the initial contact and numbering and setting of boundaries
  • the experience of control in the daily life
  • the physical meeting and initial service
  • loss of personal freedom as control is increased
  • the first symbolic collar
  • meetings with the Master
  • thoughts, moods and emotions
  • Collaring
  • moving in and the experience of being a real slave in real time.

Each of these should be documented so that the Master has an insight into what the boi is thinking and experiencing.  The slave journal is a tool which is both a communications aid and a management strategy.  As the Master and the slave grow more familiar and the slave is increasingly much more comfortable with the Master's will, use of the blog to solve problems will diminish in favour of it just being a record of the slave's experience of his servitude.

I want the slave to be able to look back and see how he has progressed since becoming My slave.

The blog is also a good tool for the practice of obedience.  It does not matter whether the slave is good at writing, can't spell, or is dyslexic.  What matters is that the slave makes the attempt at keeping the blog, and continues to do so.  I do not require a daily entry; I require a regular entry.  I Myself do not write as often as I should, but when I have time, I do.  It is the job of the slave to make time to blog.  The blog is a natural extension of the daily reflection on his servitude that I require slaves to do.  It provides a space for the servitude to exist in the  maelstrom of daily life; a meditation.

I joke with 325 that it is also the raw material for a book - maybe it is!  Either way, it is a material record of a person's life, a history.  And as such, it is an important document.  Many Masters and slaves are documenting their relationships, and although this is a closed blog, it is nonetheless an important thing to do. 

I have learned also: no longer do I allow the slave to have control over the blog.  Now, I ensure that I have the administrator rights, and the slave is just the author.  This is important because it gives the slave the sense of being controlled, but also the freedom to say what he wants - the freedom to move within the boundaries.  I have lost too many blogs because potential slaves have deleted the blog, which I think is a shame for the reasons outlined above.  So now, the slave can say what he likes, how he likes - with complete freedom of expression and without fear of retribution from Me, but I will own the blog as surely as I own the slave.  It is also very good training at being owned, because I can and do allow people access to show other potential slaves how others before them have experienced ownership by Me. 

It reinforces integrity within the relationship in that the slave must trust the Master to act in his best interests and not allow the blog to be abused by others.  It allows new slaves to have an insight into existing slaves' experiences, and it makes them respect the more senior slaves by virtue of their travels along the path. 

Most of the slaves I speak to and start training cannot - or will not - keep the journal up.  It is their loss, and it tells Me that they are not serious about their servitude.  Slavery is not for them.  Not with Me, anyway.