Saturday, 12 March 2011


457 and I have been chatting since last year, and although we'd planned to meet, things got in the way.  Since then, the communications have been revived, and there has been a meeting of minds.  he has agreed to visit over  27 March for a few days, and has essentially accepted a training contract, to be formalised when he visits.  he has been incorporating elements of control into his daily life, and is now reporting every morning and is locked in chastity.  he is a student at a university, and is older at almost 30 - which I am beginning to think is a good age for a slave, mainly due to the life experience and desire to realise dreams.

Rules for living have been agreed, and so the daily practice of voluntary servitude is being incorporated into this boi's life.  I have decided to mark his Contract with a PA.  

So far, this boi and I seem to have much in common.