I was unsure. I was giving out My address to someone from Londonish, and he had his own transport, was recently unemployed, and although we'd spoken, he could have been anybody. So, I took precautions: the arrangement was to meet at a neutral venue, so that I could pull the plug if necessary (and so that he could too); I prepared the front room carefully, so that he could be restrained if necessary, and of course I had the safety arrangement with someone else - I did check if 755 had done the same, and I am pleased to report that he had.
I was mildly irritated by the way in which the meeting was arranged; I was trying to teach and there was (it appeared) this constant stream of text messages. interrupting My flow. I hate the backwards and forwardsing of text messages! I am usually doing something, and I find that they get in the way of whatever it is I am doing. Especially in the class! Of course, I suppose I should put the phone on silent, or "off", but I hate doing that, too! Usually because I forget that it is off, and then only realise some days later that the phone hasn't shrilled its warning signal of an incoming call. But, I digress...
I was quite surprised that the option of meeting had arrived so suddenly, but this time I was determined to strike while the iron was hot. I agreed to the meeting, and then waited to hear that he had left Luton, northbound.
I have played this game before: the sub says he's left, gives some spurious ETA, fails to arrive, and then either lets Me know that there is a problem and he is going to be delayed, or just vanishes forever, never to be heard of again. So I waited. he left at 1437. Sure enough, there was a problem: traffic. And then another delay. Being wise to this, I phoned back each time, listening for the sound of engine noise and car-like sounds in the background. There were such noises - I was becoming more and more sure that he would actually arrive.
Finally the message warning Me of his being about 30 minutes away came, and I parked where I could see the arrival. I knew from the blueness of the car that My slave had come. he looked for a spot, took a wrong turn and then parked, and as I walked towards the car My phone beeped. I returned the call, and he noticed Me in the rear view mirror. I welcomed him, and then we had an awkward moment trying to find a better parking space - no point at all changing from the bank's parking lot in the middle of the night in a reasonably deserted part of town, as it happened - and then as we realised the futility of the exercise, I said to him, "Leave the car there, it'll be ok."
We took a stroll to stretch legs, and to Me he appeared quite nervous and apprehensive: what one would expect under the circumstances, so I tried to relax him as we walked, making small talk and taking us around the block. Looking back on it now, I realise that it must have been even more daunting, walking through dark back streets devoid of pedestrian activity, lurking through the shadows like men bent on evil intent.
As we walked, he lit a cigarette - he did ask, so I just took his shoulders and said it was all right, provided that the smoked on that side of Me (the leeward side) - I felt some resistance, but I thought, "Sod it! he has to learn who's in control, and I don't want this slave blowing smoke in My face." I think that he must have been alarmed, but he complied so the first hurdle had been successfully cleared.
We returned to the restaurant, and to him it must have been obvious that I was known and also not a raving loony - which of course was why we'd come here. We enjoyed a very nice meal, and I decided that we would not drink too much, mainly because we still had to drive to My house, and it wouldn't do to be done for drink-driving!
My first impressions were that he was thinner than I initially thought (I'd noticed this when I manhandled him on the street), and he needed some convincing to have a starter as well as a main course. his speech was not that forthcoming, but then as the evening expanded, so did he. I think he made a real effort to socialise, because it was quite obvious to Me that this boi was not really a talkative soul. I learned that I suddenly liked this boi more and more. I was quite enchanted by his ear-stretcher things, and found his mannerisms (he clears his throat like a student of Mine) endearing. I noticed too, the way in which he shared information, for example he commented on what he was not wearing - an indication to Me that he had followed instructions and was not wearing underwear. At the end of the meal, I asked him if he thought I was a crazed psychopath, and fortunately for both of us he said, "No." He agreed to follow Me back.
I made the decision to trust him. Before driving off, I gave him the post code, and then he followed (driving at 20 in a 40 zone!). We arrived outside, and so it started. I brought him in, and showed him the house, the deck, the cats, the workshop. Then it was upstairs to the loo, the shower, and then the room. I left him up there with instructions to strip and to come to Me downstairs.
he came downstairs clutching his genitals out of shame and embarrassment. This would not do. I had already laid out his cushions and the fleecy blanket, as well as the chain and collar and so on, ready for use. I had him sit at My feet, and asked him if he knew the significance of the collar. he was unsure, or at least indicated that he was, so I reminded him that once it was on, he was Mine for the duration. I owned his body, and he owed Me obedience.
The collar was on, the padlock had been clicked into place with a sense of finality. The boi was naked and collared at My feet. It was time to talk. The basic rules were explained, the rules about a slave's position in the Household. The fact that his place was on the floor, not on the furniture with Masters and other beings superior in status to himself, unless invited. he was hard. It was great. I had new property.
From the beginning, I was struck by his obedience. When I asked him to masturbate and send Me the pics, he complied. This is a boi who wanted to serve Me. I am quite privileged to have found him, and he, Me.
After a while the slave needed a cigarette, and to reward him for being good, I assented. he was a little taken aback when I said he was to go outside as he was (not) dressed. I didn't care. I don't like smoking, and I had warned him that I was not going to encourage this vile habit. he went outside, and I returned to My place in the warmth, to savour the pleasure of owning My slave.
When he returned, I invited him up onto the couch for a cuddle, and I was very pleased to see he was very much in need of love. he was actually more in need of the warmth too, so I held him tight, knowing that this slave was the slave for Me, even at this early stage. We chatted, and then, when I judged that he was warm enough, it was time to use the post chair that I had assembled as a taster. I put the leather restraints on his wrists and ankles, noting with some amusement that the usual wrist cuffs were too large for his slender wrists, so they went on to his ankles, and I used the other set of restraints for his hands, which worked fine. I led him to the chair, and had him sit on it.

he fitted it like a glove! he was nicely spreadeagled, and I took My time attaching him to the crossbar and lashing his legs and ankles in place. I toyed with the idea of putting a live webcam feed on slaveboys, so I made sure to hood him so he'd be unrecognisable. In the end, I decided not to, because although this boi was Mine to use as I chose, I thought it better to have this first intimate moment in absolute privacy, just Me and him. And I was glad that I had, as I learned later that I was his first, and so it made it even more special. Sometimes, I DO listen to those niggling thoughts!
I wanted to use a little pain, so I applied one peg to each (tiny) nipple, watching to see how he reacted. I had told him that if things were too hard, all he had to do was tell Me, and I'd stop. There was some pain, but none that he couldn't handle. Later, he told Me that his nipples were numb, but I was glad of it because it meant that I could use this to intensify the orgasm. The pain serves several purposes: it highlights the pleasurable bits by contrast, it allows the endorphins to increase the sensation of pleasure, and it provides Me with pleasure and also is a useful tool to use to show how the mind can focus on other stimuli and in so doing ignore pain. I made him relax, too. Like 729 before him, 755 tenses easily out of fear. I found Myself reassuring him and making him relax, while at the same time torturing him. It certainly was an interesting experience for him. I want him to feel comfortable and to surrender the control to Me, to feel safe and to trust My judgement.
Before hooding him, I had put the parachute on his balls, at first without the weight, and then with - to gauge his reactions. he was very nervous, and very frightened (as is to be expected), but I felt that he'd done very well. As a reward, I removed the weight, but replaced it later. 755 is very sensitive physically, and I took immense pleasure in tickling him and making him squirm. This I did throughout the weekend, and I found it fun to tease him in this way. Fun in a nice, loving way, of course. It is also a useful training tool, because later, when he was too squirmy, I ordered him to stop, which he did. And so the obedience training starts: the boi will do as he is told, because he can.
I have mentioned before that he has a tight foreskin, and I'd noticed earlier that it was painful to retract it. I pulled it back carefully so that I could put lube on the inside to edge him, and noticed him wince. Some more work is needed there. he is going to have to stretch it daily, so that it does so easily in time, and I have already instructed him to do so on a daily basis. The edging was becoming quite fun, and I noticed that the movement of the skin was quite easy now, the lube helping the stretching. And of course the eroticism was overcoming the pain. I refused to give him permission to ejaculate, and wanted him to maintain that control until he'd been given permission - it is not, after all, his penis nor his place to do anything except as directed. I want him to cum on demand, and so this is what we will work towards.
When he was finally given permission to cum, he was unable to do so. I felt that it was mainly because he was trying too hard to please, so didn't press the issue. Certainly, he found the pain to be a distraction, but when I released the left nipple and the blood surged back intensely and I massaged it to increase the feeling, he was relieved - although now completely distracted from the business of orgasm. I left the right hand one on, so that I could remove it at the moment of orgasm, but realising that it was not going to happen, I took it off to show him how to avoid the immediate sensation of pain by redirecting his attention elsewhere.
Realising that this first experience of edging was going nowhere because of the boi's over-stimulation, I decided to stop and so I released him from the chair , he was unbound, and then I felt he deserved a cigarette.
I had not yet decided on whether or not to allow him to share the bed, but as he was frozen from the cigarette smoking experience, I let him sleep with Me. The poor boi was so cold that I realised that he'd need instant warming, so I had him lie over My body to transfer the heat, which worked well. Once he'd warmed up, I wanted to see him cum, and so made use of his hard penis. he did very well, ejaculating all over the show. But for Me that was not only the best result, it was also a very telling result for My labours: he asked Me if he had permission to cum, so a lesson had been learned! Because of this, I decided to reward his obedience, and it was this that caused him to enjoy his ejaculation, although he might not have realised it at the time. I was tempted to deny him, to see how he'd be in the morning, but I thought, "Be nice.". And so I was.
I came over him, too, and then cleaned us up using a tee shirt, the "Even good slaveboys deserve spanking" one (which I'd worn specially!). And then it was to bed. 755 had enjoyed his first day with his new Master, whom he had pleased brilliantly. I let him wear the restraints, and I held him in My arms, knowing that this boi was Mine.
All in all, the initial meet exceeded My expectations - and I went to sleep a happy Master.
Much of Saturday morning was spent in bed - mainly because I was dog-tired, and because it has become clear that 755 is not a morning person! I used the opportunity to see how he'd react to being used to make Me cum - I had him suck Me, and then I came in his mouth and told him to swallow, which he did. 755 does not like the taste of cum, nor do I think he likes sucking a penis. Too bad. he is a slave, and he will pleasure Me as a good slave should. I am clean and healthy, and he should be grateful to be able to give Me pleasure. I allowed him to cum in the morning again, as a reward, although it went a little pear-shaped when his anus swallowed the small metal butt plug I'd inserted to give him a nice orgasm. I'd carefully watched how he masturbated the night before, and noticed how he massaged that sexy bit between his anus and balls, and so I thought that the smallest plug would work well - after all, I had never managed to swallow it! The orgasm was great, but perhaps the plug was a little over-greased, because when I felt down to remove it, it had vanished. I was not a happy bunny. I looked through the bedclothes, couldn't find it. NOT HAPPY. Neither was the now worried boi. Realising that we didn't want a trip to Casualty, I had him stand in such a way as to ensure that it remained at the bottom of the bowel. I applied more grease, and stretched his sphincter until I could get a grip, then removed it. We will not use the small acorn plug again. he is understandably nervous, but the next time it will be the plug with the large round stop at its base.
I am glad the situation was resolved, and I am very glad that there was no problem. Especially as there are trust issues involved, but the boi is going to have to put this one behind him and move on. We have both learned from this experience.
I had spent s

ome time drawing on his body that morning, because I want him to have his number tattooed. I pencilled in some likely spots, something like at the post-chair last night, and the best looking number was down his very sensitive side, unfortunately! I think it is ace! And so does he, but it is not likely in the near future. Erotic, but unlikely to happen....yet! I'd also shaved him that morning, and so he began to look more like a real slave than he had that evening. This, together with the foreskin stretching exercise, is a requirement of his servitude.
The rest of the day was spent doing things - a visit to the tattoo parlour to price tattoos, and also to have a look at places to tattoo. An interesting exercise, because the boi's status was exercised in public: and he did very well, indeed. he was getting under My feet a little in Fish's , the hardware shop, but he behaved exemplarily at the tattooist. he also had the novel experience of not having control over his money (I took control over the wallet), and also had nothing in his pockets, too. I controlled when he could smoke, and made a point of exercising that control in front of the tattoo artist and his partner. They might not have been aware, but the boi certainly was.
And so the control increased, bit by bit.