It has been a difficult Winter, now morphing into Spring. I was offered rooms in a friend's house in Warrington, which I moved into off the boat towards the end of February. The house is suitable for entertaining bois, having a playroom. Initially, I moved into the playroom while My rooms were being cleared. The coldness of the winter and My deteriorating health dictated an immediate move from the boat into warmer surroundings.

And since I have been here, I was contacted by a boi whom I'll call "plus" - a follower of this blog - and who wanted to explore aspects of chastity and voluntary servitude. I had him visit over a weekend, but he decided that this was not the path he wanted to take, which is a pity because I liked him very much. Not only was he beautiful, he was also smart. And what more could one want in a slave?
he left after helping Me move: I felt that it was this experience that was the clincher: he did not want the servitude part of the arrangement. I was discussing him with My housemates afterwards and we agreed he is a lovely man who'd have been quite welcome in the house, but that we'd probably worn him out in the move! Nonetheless, "plus" would have been a very pleasant addition to the household.
Shortly after "plus" decided not to continue, another person off recon entered the scene, his relationship with his partner of over four years had ended, but they were still living together, and he wanted to move on. he was an enthusiastic trainee, and thereafter followed a whirlwind enslavement with this boi 279 learning the rules in preparation for learning the ropes, so to speak. he started and kept his journal religiously, and I was very pleased with this boi's progress. Things became quite complicated because of his relationship - it transpired that the partner did not really expect him to find a replacement quite as soon as he did, and although they were living in separate rooms, it seemed that the relationship was very much still on the go. I had placed him in chastity and he was living a controlled life - and enjoying it. We were speaking daily, and he was enjoying the surrender. he came to visit for a weekend to live as My slave. And that's where the fantasy met reality.

Of all the bois I have trained in recent times, I felt that 279 would succeed as My slave. he was following the programme well, and he had made good progress. he had surrendered various freedoms and was both committed and articulate. his journal was progressing well and he understood the need to stay communicated. There were times when I felt he was communicating too much, but on the whole I was happy with everything. he was aware that if the training contract was successful he'd have to leave London for the northwest, but the earliest that would be a reality would be a year hence. Things were going well. This was a boi who had found what he'd wanted, and our interests were aligned - well, as aligned as they would ever be, I suppose.
The time that was spent with Me was going well, too. It is difficult to suddenly change from being in control to being controlled. Especially when your weekend becomes someone elses, and you have no function except to please your Master. There were chores which needed doing that day, and so we had to drive all over the countryside before being able to relax. As it turned out, I had to go to Wales to fetch a friend which meant a four hour drive, effectively wasting the time I was going to have with My slave. Still, it would be good for the boi, I thought: even though it might be boring for him.
Later that evening I called a timeout, and 279 confessed that he was finding the experience a little overwhelming. In Wales I'd noticed that he had become conscious of his chain collar in public, his place in the background, and the fact that other people whom I knew would recognise his status as an owned, collared boi. I found it interesting that initially he'd worn the collar proudly, but as time progressed and he was more exposed to people, the shine had worn off. I think that it was a good experience overall, but sadly it ended with Me driving him to the railway station the next morning, and 279 returned to his ex and hopefully, lived happily ever after.
I was glad to have been able to provide this experience for him, but it opens up a bit of a problem: I know that there are many fantasists who dream of being enslaved, and I have met a fair few! The question is: how long do I persist?
Another slave who has been showing renewed interest was someone who had approached Me in the past but who, when push came to shove, was unable to overcome his own anxieties and let Me down. Contrary to My instincts, I have been speaking with him again, and so will see where this leads. Memories of the York boi and others spring to mind. As things stand, he is now shaved and in daily contact, but is going to have to work hard at being a committed slave to progress.
And so it continues.