Wednesday 28 August 2013

From BadYoungMaster

Further to My comments earlier today, I found this:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Giving Up Your Life? Bud, You Just Found It.

Interestingly enough one of the most common arguments I hear from 'slaves' is that although they like submitting in the bedroom, they want all the freedoms granted to everyone else in this society outside the bedroom, often coupled with the statement that to be a 24/7/365 slave would be to 'give up their life'. This pisses me off!

The use of the word 'bedroom' in this context does not imply a place to sleep, but rather a place to have sex. Such people have reduced BSDM to something that is purely sexual - incorrectly I might add.
Although there are elements of BDSM that produce a sexually gratifying response - such as a slave who obtains an erection when in bondage, it is an elementary mindset to reduce all elements of the BDSM lifestyle to sexual ones. The delight I receive from playing with a 'human dog' for instance is purely emotional and not sexual whatsoever for me. Moreover, the aspects of control from TPE (total power exchange) cannot be limited to the confines of a bedroom without me getting bored rather quickly.

Many inexperienced slaves reading this blog may have attended several sessions with one or more Masters or Mistresses - some experienced and some just as inexperienced. These sessions oftentimes may have been short, between 2-5 hours, and packed full of activities that involve the genitals. Unfortunately, this only furthers the perception that BDSM is about sex. I can attest that longer sessions of several days or weeks, offer an experience that you will never find in a short power session. These experiences will be quite the opposite from the cold, domineering experiences seen in some fantasy porn video.

Now let's talk about the 'giving up your life part'. Obviously, something compels me to want to own a slave and likewise, something must compel you to want to be a slave. For me, it's as though every fiber in my body tells me that this is the best thing for me, and likewise, you should have the same feeling. If you don't then that's probably why you feel like your 'giving up your life' rather than a feeling of finding it. Let's explore this further.

It's normal that throughout life, even through any given day or week there are times that you don't feel like you would want to be a slave, or from my aspect - a Master. I have these feelings at times. It's normal. A friend recently asked me if I thought he was making the right choice by getting married. Feelings of uncertainty are completely normal and can be applied to almost any other type of relationship. In a few posts now, I have stated that if you can 'get-off' and still feel like being a slave afterwards, then your feelings have probably transcended beyond something that is purely hormonal and that you are ready for the next step.

The very perception that you are 'giving up your life' has to mean that you are going to be at some kind of loss by being a slave. This is a negative perception however, as there is much to be gained, depending on the slave's situation, from being in a TPE relationship - physical and health, emotional, mental, sexual, and even spiritual benefits not to mention personal growth. Now you are probably thinking "yeah, right", but consider, just as one example, the plight of gay people persecuted throughout the world and as such remain 'closeted'. Arguably, one may say that remaining closeted has benefits, but anyone who has come out knows just as well as I do that it helps us achieve a sense of self-actualization. Achieving such as state would be impossible for someone who feels like a slave but who cannot live openly as one. Yes. It's difficult first coming out of the closet, and yes, even more difficult telling your loved ones about your involvement in BDSM, but it helps strengthen relationships with those who truly care for you and makes you feel like you have a sense of autonomy.
Read and enjoy.