For some time now, I have been admiring the profile of a boi who lives in the Midlands and have been chatting to him since late March this year. I find him physically attractive, and since speaking with him, intellectually so too.
This boi has had several masters and has had three years' experience in the bdsm environment, but My sense is that his experience as a submissive has been just that - as a sub, for relatively short periods of time. From what he has said, he has enjoyed this, but it is My intention for him to explore surrender. he is a boi of strong will, and so far has artfully avoided complying with most of the instructions he has been given, indicating to Me that he is very much in control still. I raised this in a discussion with him tonight, and he agreed that I was largely correct in My assessment. I indicated that I intended to change this, and he assented so we shall see what results.
As I have said before in this blog, sex is a very important part of the bdsm experience, and sexual submission is a key part of that. There is much more. This boi has had all the sex he's wanted and has experienced much in the way of group kinky sex, but My feeling is that although immensely pleasureable, this boi needs more than that. he needs to be collared and to be someone's slave.
I want to own him.
There is a common misconception that an owned boi is a creature kept in the basement, be abused, and used to do housework and present holes for filling. I don't think that the current craze for soft porn (50 Shades of Grey et al) has done much to correct this in the public mind. I think a boi can be owned and still have a rich and rewarding career and social life within the constraints of an authoritarian relationship, provided that the framework that is set in place between Master and slave is flexible enough to accommodate the needs of both parties.
Trust, Loyalty, Communication and Obedience are all fundamental to such a structure and these qualities need to be nurtured and allowed to bear fruit where both parties are concerned. slave 270, for example, is currently at long leash mainly because he has pressing family problems that are keeping him from serving more regularly. I am satisfied that he is being good because of the trust that exists between us, and because of the long conversations we have had that tell Me that he wants and needs to be owned; his ownership fulfils a need he has. And so he remains collared, responding to messages and showing his obedience via his blog and the performance of tasks that I set him.
Remote control is a technological reality today. I was in the Apple Shop recently and saw an interesting device that allowed motion sensors to activate a webcam to prevent burglary - or at least watch the burglary happening - and I thought of a use in this context. A boi could be monitored remotely. he could feel owned and under the eye of his Master, even when a hundred miles distant. I like the idea, I think it has kink potential.
I usually communicate with bois is by text message, Skype, phone, and I require bois to report in daily. I want to know what they are doing and how their days progress. I encourage them to write journals, mostly private, sometimes public, so that they are able to measure their progress.
Ownership must work for both parties. It must also be fun and rewarding. The would-be owner must be patient because it rarely happens overnight. I intend to have several sessions with this boi and to spend time getting to know him, so we shall see what happens. I think he wants to test these waters, and I think he'll find that this is a much more meaningful experience than just being used and fucked in a session.
There are other bois I have been chatting to of late and as is always the case some have potential, others just for sessions. Currently, I am speaking with a boi from St Helens who is bi and who has a profile on Fetlife, and who might well turn out to be a very interesting find. Sessions can be fun, but are likely to be much better when they are overnight and are as part of a lifestyle experience, rather than a boi arriving for an hour or two's fun.
As you know, I live in a boat. I often watch youths do exciting things at the other end of the harbour where there is a pontoon. In hot weather these teens climb down from the wharf to the pontoon, clown around and finally jump in and swim. What I have noticed is that the boys generally run up and down, balking at jumping in the water, stopping at the very edge of the pontoon. They mock charge, stopping before taking that final step, before plunging into the water. The girls don't. If they're going to swim, they swim. Rarely so the boys. Sessionals tend to be like the boys on the pontoon: they are attracted by the adventure, driven by lust, put off that plunge at the very last minute. They become timewasters. Sometimes they pluck up the courage and follow through and meet.
I have been reasonably fortunate in that after chatting for a while, they do meet. Like everyone, I do have My fair share of timewasters - as regular readers to this blog will know. I was saying to a close friend recently that I sift through an incredible amount of dross to find that one good boi who does what he says he's going to. Which is why I am now preferring older bois, bois who have had some experience and who have an idea of what they want to experience.
I have managed to gain access to a very well set up play room in Warrington, courtesy of some very kind friends. It is My intention to use this facility whenever possible to expand bois' experiences. I am very lucky to have been allowed the use of this space, and am looking forward to it.
As an addendum to this post, I spent most of today chatting to a very nice boi from Scotland who expressed an interest in kinky things, and after a great exchange of text messages and messages on Recon, he experienced going commando at My instruction (he was at work)

and we agreed he'd call later on this evening. Above is a pic of him obeying hi first instruction, taken at work. Unfortunately, My workshop has poor Three phone coverage, and so I didn't receive his call earlier. I was having trouble sleeping and was dozing earlier when I heard the phone buzz - it was My Scot. I think I'll refer to him as "a" for now, until he registers for a number. We've just had that phone call, and the task I intended giving him earlier awas a fun one, before sleeping he was to enjoy his orgasm and send Me the cumshot pic. So, I'm pleased to say that the instruction has been delivered, and now I'm waiting for the result. Sessions? Longer term? Who knows? Only time will tell.... he sounds lovely, and he's a lovely smile on him. And good bits, too -as can be seen from the lovely pic a sent Me.