Wednesday 22 December 2010

An Interesting Development

Remember the slave who was to be transferred to My ownership, the one who was apparently owned by another Master and who was going to be Mine?  The one who had immense difficulty in communicating?  And who eventually vanished off the face of the planet?

he's back.

This time, he is using the first part of the slave register number I made him get.  To Me, he was 598, but I have just seen a recon profile called "ninesixeight".  his full slave register number is 968-596-598.  The picture is new.  Go and have a look: I would say that this person and 598 are one and the same.  If they are, then you are looking at a poor time-waster.

To be honest, I began to have My suspicions about this boi when we were (or weren't able to) talking.  There were inconsistencies in the story, and then the whole thing sort of fell apart.

I don't bear any of these people any rancour, really.  I know that it is a thrill to be in communication with a Master, a sort of emotional edging.  I think it sad that they are drawn to the lifestyle like moths to a flame.  I have recently had a few such.  All they really have to do is allow themselves to experience life as they fantasise.  One weekend is not too difficult to manage.  And who knows? They might quite like the daringness of it all, and come back for more.

It is just an awful waste of time that could be better spent doing something else more productive.  Like living.

On a more positive note, more contacts are being made; more chats being had.  Sooner or later the boi will arrive.  I had some very good feedback from a boi in Berlin: thanks, Patrick!