One of the things I really like doing is lying in My bed on a Saturday morning, wasting the morning. I enjoy the bliss of reading the paper and drinking coffee in the warmth, security and silence of My bed on a Saturday. Sometimes, like today, I flash up the computer and then feel compelled to say something on the blog. It is September, and also the start of work again after the summer break.
I returned to work on Wednesday, and have had a frustrating time of it. This was not only because I was very much still in holiday mode, but also because much of the three remaining days of this week were taken up in meetings and the like, when I could have been preparing for the arrival of the students I am due to teach this term. I am already feeling that I have begun to tread the stress treadmill, and classes only start on Monday!
This is mainly because there is no planning in place to deal with what I have to do over the next fourteen weeks, and so it becomes a game of catchup.
153 on the chair after doing domestic chores |
153 hanging washing |
I spent the last day of August with the sub tim, whose slave number is 153. As had been reported in the blog before, we had several unsuccessful attempts at meeting but this was finally achieved on Tuesday. I found him to be very obedient and also very much aroused at the thought of service, and so I collared him and had him do several domestic chores that needed taking care of before work started. Hoovering needed to be done, and also some clearing up of clutter. Since making the slave space, I have had a table piled high with stuff that came out from beneath the stairs, and this needed sorting. Much of it was old correspondence, and so this boi spent some of his time here shredding papers to make papier mache. My preferred way of dealing with junk mail and old newspapers is now to make papier mache bricks to use as fuel for the stove, and I thought it apt that the boi was instrumental in making the fuel that would keep him warm while serving naked over the winter. Today the weather is good, so I shall probably spend some time squeezing the water out of the now fully-soaked paper and make some bricks for drying. Of course, I need a live in slave to do this for Me, but in time this will happen.
Without a doubt, one of the best things about owning a full time slave is that feeling of coming home to a clean, uncluttered, well-managed home. 325 excelled in making My house a good space for Me, freeing Me up to concentrate on more important things, like the boat, various DIY projects, and of course work. A good slave is worth his weight in gold.
As a reward for his work, I secured him to the bondage chair, and then played a bit with some sensations. I used only two pegs, because I know he is a "pain wuss", as he said. I spent some time edging him, and then enjoyed watching him finally cum. So it was a good introductory session, and I felt that the three hours that he spent here were enjoyed by us both. I like having a naked slave on the premises, and I also like having chores done around the house.
The house is going to fill up very shortly: I am expecting My lodger to return towards the end of the month, and then My mother and her husband are arriving for a brief stay. Their arrival coincides with the monthly Collared in Blackpool, which is very inconvenient as I want to take 990 there this time to let him experience a violet wand. This might have to be postponed to the October Collared, which I am not happy about - but arrangements, once made, can't really be changed for visitors from South Africa (they have, after all, travelled six thousand miles to stay).
The lodger will be returning for about six months, but he is the best type of guest: he goes home over weekends, so the house is free for slaves to visit over weekends, which is a happy arrangement for Me. I get to have My cake and eat it, and so that means that the training of 990 will continue. I have had time to reflect, and also to chat with him about his experience here. I am now going to take more control of his day when he is away from Me, and then when here there is going to be more ritualisation of the day in service.
I have blogged before about the importance of having a timetable which sets out the routine for a slave, which is only really practicable for a full-time boi. I have decided to implement a weekend timetable for 990 which will include some relaxational time for him. My Saturday recreation of paper and coffee in bed will remain the same; his Saturday morning will be different. Service is his recreation. After discussing the virtual weekend, it is clear to Me that this boi needs a programme to follow, mainly so that he knows he is constantly under control. It is because of this that I am now going to introduce reporting in times to his remote life, adding to the morning greeting text message. I know that his life is also going to become busy with the start of the new term, and so things will be tailored to take account of this. It is important to Me that I know what he is doing, and also that permission is sought for deviations from the norm.
990 has gone to Berlin with friends, and in the meantime two new additions to the bondage equipment have arrived. I had decided to buy an anal hook some time ago, and given the desire for 990 and 153's faces to be kept anonymous, I thought that attaching a hook to the hood might provide Me with some sport. The other device which I think 990 will find much more comfortable (I test-drove it when it arrived, to see if it would be more comfortable than the cb) is the new birdlocked chastity device. Of the two, I think that the birdlocked is the easier to wear, and so he is going to have it fitted when he arrives next time.
I find Myself thinking of him often.
The problem with lazy Saturdays online is that people want to chat! So, off I go to chat!