I sent him training tags for xmas and here is a picture that he posted, wearing them.
It is good to see a slave who wants to serve, and who takes delight in the foibles of the Master - and who wears his tags with pride. So far, he has been very obedient, and yesterday I set him a meditation on the nature of Obedience and what it means to obey. This is what he wrote:
"...after a bit of research i realised obedience differes from compliance which is behaviour influenced by peers and also from conformity which is matching your own behaviour to match the majority. obedience is merely the folowing of instructions.
in my view obedience in a slave master relationship is
i think it is safe to say that the usual goal for slaves who have given themselves over to him is that our obedience becomes apsoloute, automatic instinctive and imediate given the limitations of our bodies. (from slavecraft by a gratefull slave and guy
i think that the last paragraph sums up obedience as a slave perfectly."